May 22Liked by Dan Wootton

The prospect of the Labour Party running the nation is a very frightening one.

Your suggestion about a change of Tory leadership does not, at this stage, seem realistic to me. That said, I would definitely vote for a party led by Suella Braverman. So, I am very much "up in the air".

As it is, I see the Reform Party getting my vote.

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Perfect summary of my thoughts. Suella would have my vote but in the current state it will be reform. Rishi knows in 6 months he won’t achieve Rwanda or interest rate reduction so he’s given up and getting out.

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May 22Liked by Dan Wootton

I will vote for him to keep out labour, I’m ashamed of myself already but I need to do this

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I understand that.

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Well then, nothing will ever change with this attitude. We can’t just keep flip flopping from Conservatives to Labour. Over the decades they have both proved themselves to be completely incompetent, out of touch, empty promises etc, etc…………….

Time for change everyone. Please everyone VOTE REFORM. !!!!!!!

Let’s do it!!!!! Yehhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hear hear, Reform for me. I'm sick of being shafted by the other parties.

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Agree! Reform can make an impact like UKIP did, we're going to get a Labour gov. whether we vote Conservative or not so lets make our vote count for something.

Come-on everyone VOTE REFORM !!!

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But FISHY RISHI most go

Back stabbing 🐍 must go

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May 22Liked by Dan Wootton

Suella Braverman is the one true Conservative leader that could just save the Conservatives from a humiliating disaster at the Election. The Country could trust her to form a credible government.

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May 22Liked by Dan Wootton

Sadly though, Dan, I really don't think 44 days is enough time to have a leadership election and a General Election campaign. Too many Conservative MP's betrayed Boris and Liz Truss, and now the party is in a mess. Today's panic decision says it all.

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May 22Liked by Dan Wootton

If Suella was in charge she would attract a massive swing back to conservatives because she is real one and she would instil their genuine policies back into the party to enable voters to actually see a difference between the two parties. Bit of a curve ball for reform but definitely itelt one in the eye for starmer.

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May 22Liked by Dan Wootton

They shouldn't of gotten rid of Boris. They did this to themselves

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Oh indeed.

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Lol Seriously? The Johnson that locked the country up for 2 years and destroyed its economy and killed how many people 🤷🤦

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If you remember Boris flatly refused the third lockdown. Starmer would still have us imprisoned four years on. Read Nadine Dorries book The Plot, I can promise you it's a real eye opener !

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Name a world leader that didn't 🙄

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That's not completely true, they had social distancing and they also restricted access to public events and care homes. They reduced the amount of people at public events and had, no alcohol sales after 10pm and table service only. Yes they didn't have the full works like we had but they still had government enforced control. Between March and June 2020 Sweden closed secondary and high schools, they went to distance learning. They did that twice over the pandemic. Sweden's Borders did remain open... However with the rest of the world closing it's borders, including the EU they could do this knowing it didn't really matter. No one was coming to visit anyway

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Exactly, so why on earth would you think he's a good un?

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Make no mistake, Boris got an 80 seat majority and if he was still PM, the Tories would walk it and prevent Labour getting in. The wet blanket that is Sunak has done nothing but screw the country, and he's never been PM, only the leader.

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That's part of the problem. People would still vote for the globalist puppet after all the damage he's caused. Locldowns, Northern Ireland, Ukraine! They're all puppets, voting for any of the Uni party is absolutely pointless. Let the Tories get destroyed, labour win, within 5 years we should have millions more awaken soles as they realise things have only gotten worse as Blair runs the WEF, coordinates Starmer and implements Agenda 2030 while blaming the Tories for all the problems. Simple playbook. Then we can have a proper clear out of the political class destroying our lives and get some form of direct democracy. Things have to and will get much worse before they get any better as I am surrounded by sheep thinking that Voting red socialist will be better than voting blue socialists 🤪 The masses in this country seem to be 5 years behind many other European countries that are turning against the globalists.

There is hope though, a big match on June 1st in London should help the fightback.

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It wasn't just us, across the world there were locked down countries, I used Skyline live webcambs to travel the world, Spain, Italy, etc. Every where I went was completely desolate, it was very upsetting seeing, everywhere was empty. Try it now, here's Rome Trevi fountain. https://www.skylinewebcams.com/en/webcam/italia/lazio/roma/fontana-di-trevi.html

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Yes, all puppets shutting down their counties following orders! Except Sweden.

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Johnson is not a Conservative, he’s a metropolitan green liberal, a warmonger (Ukraine) and loves open borders.

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Green? The Tory's have sold off a lot of green belt land. So I don't think he's Greta Thunberg tbh... They could have done a lot more with the boats, but that's a Tory problem. As far as Ukraine goes, if we go back to the withdrawal from Afghanistan, Putin noticed a weakness and capitalized on it. You surely can't hold a British PM responsible for invading Ukraine?

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His wife is a Climate nut job, he does what he's told. Johnson also went to Ukraine to stop them signing a peace deal! He and she are just globalist puppets.

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Boris scuppered the peace deal! Over 600,000 Ukraines are dead almost all the young men now. They are putting 45 + year olds on the front line, pregnant women and disabled. Shocking scenes of a Downs Syndrome boy being taken off the street to 'volunteer' and for what? Zelensky is mad, needs arresting and stopping this utter carnage. Hope BJ can sleep easily at night...

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Starmers, Sunak, Gove and all would have been just the same, perhaps even worse! At the end of the day Zelensky scuppeded the peace deal, he choose not to go ahead with it. The fact that we think we have responsibility over other countries decisions is quite patronizing to the country that were meant to be influencing

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“Putin noticed a weakness…”. I ‘notice’ that we are low on milk; Putin doesn’t ‘notice’ geopolitical events.

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Green as in net zero brainwashing, impoverishment, wear a hair-shirt, no car, no boiler, cats locked-in at night, blocked Ukraine peace deal.

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Dan we need a Dislike button please.

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May 22Liked by Dan Wootton

I can't believe we are here, the thought of a labour government makes me feel violently unwell. If we think the woke mob have got out of control now... I cannot even begin to fathom the tsunami of London liberal elite champagne socialism that is set to wipe us out. Best of luck on your new project in Florida Dan. Love Florida I have visited many times (you must try IHOP and Dennys) RANT OVER!

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May 22Liked by Dan Wootton

As someone from the US, I think it's hilarious (and highly ironic) that Sunak announced a general election to be held on the anniversary of the American revolution for independence from Great Britain. Will Britons revolt via the ballot box? This is going to get verrrry interesting.

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Sunak will be living in the USA by 5th July. You're very welcome to him !

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I’m sure the lefty loonies in California will love having him there. :)

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Can’t wait for his book, breathless with extravagant language and its promotion of drivel to world-shaking events. His glorification of his wife as his “wonderful, essential partner” will make even his fans cringe.

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I totally agree with what you say Dan, I would give Suella my vote, however at this moment it's Reform for me

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May 22Liked by Dan Wootton

Have a great time in Florida. Send some sunshine over here - still waiting on the global boiling to hit the UK. 🌧🌦⛈️☂️

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Haha, indeed!

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May 22Liked by Dan Wootton

Be well and stay safe. Looking forward to hearing about your Florida project

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May 22Liked by Dan Wootton

Good luck with your Florida project from me in thunderstorming PA. Can't wait to hear about it. UK election is mind boggling. Hope you can report on the US election too!

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Yes definitely.

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Good luck Dan Although you won't need it¬!

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May 22Liked by Dan Wootton

At this chaotic time the best variant would be to elect Suella as PM.

Seriously cannot understand how so far people cannot get into their heads that Labour will be worst scenario for britain in every aspect,people have short memory

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May 22·edited May 22Liked by Dan Wootton

Yes indeed that was globalist plan to invent socialism in britain ,with weak rishi who betrayed britain ,that was deliberate coup ,to put rishi to pm,and now he is glad to bugger off to his California beach which he planned to do long ago,leaving all country in ruin

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May 23Liked by Dan Wootton

The reason an election has been called is because Sunak's wife wants out.

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YUP! Madness.

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She's doing us all a favour really, he's been as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike.

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May 22Liked by Dan Wootton

The elelection should be a referendum on immigration and UK asylum policy.

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May 22Liked by Dan Wootton

Personally I'm both confused and frightened. There's nothing between the parties, no real plan for the future. I find it hysterical the date of the election July 4th and what the hell were they thinking sending him out in the pouring rain.It's not as if they don't have a Press room! What did he look like standing there drenched and his voice almost drowned out. He was like a fish out of water 😅 I guess they were hoping he'd slide down a drain! I am completely torn as to who to vote for. I was hoping Nigel Farage would have announced he was going to lead Reform in the next election but if that's not possible now, I think voting apathy will happen. I don't want to vote for either of and none of my friends do either. We're doomed either way. God help us. Enjoy Florida Dan. Can't wait to hear what you're up to!

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Please vote Reform, at least we're sending a message.

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