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As Covid inquiries around the world are turned into pro-lockdown whitewashes and the global health establishment rebuilds around the shadowy figures who trapped us in our homes, there are real fears the sheer hell of 2020 could soon be repeated.
Perhaps that’s even part of the plan by big pharma and the global health establishment.
That’s the stark warning from Great Barrington Declaration co-author Dr Jay Bhattacharya in a dramatic Outspoken Members Town Hall, which you can watch in full above.
The Stanford professor, who became an informal adviser to Florida governor Ron DeSantis, says: “As things stand, the people who imposed the lockdowns, imposed the vaccine mandates, imposed the mask mandates, imposed the widescale psychological panicking of the population, and also supported the very dangerous research that very likely caused the pandemic, those people have power now, they’re giving themselves awards. We now have lockdown as the standard for how we deal with respiratory virus pandemics in the future – and it will absolutely happen again. In your lifetime, it will happen again because we have not repudiated it.”
Dr Jay, who now runs the brilliant Substack the Illusion of Consensus, which I really recommend you subscribe to here, is as equally concerned as I am with the power-mad World Health Organisation’s pandemic treaty, designed to impose lockdowns and enforced vaccinations on sovereign states.
That worry has only grown since their hiring of Dr Jeremy Farrar as the WHO’s new Chief Scientist Adviser, given he was “a key architect of the UK’s lockdown policy and the suppression of scientific debate”.
“I am very concerned about this treaty. The World Health Organisation absolutely failed during the pandemic…it does not deserve more power,” Dr Jay insists. “I’ve spoken to scholars in Africa who view it as a neocolonial imposition, essentially a grabbing of power by the west of the public health policy of poor countries. It’s about empowering an anti-democratic regime on top of our democratic infrastructure to say at any time we shouldn’t be a democracy and we should just listen to the likes of the WHO.
“A very large faction of our political establishment wants to pretend like nothing went wrong and I also share your visceral desire for some kind of recompense for the vaccine injured and the lockdown injured; the harms that were done, especially to children and the working class, were catastrophic. What we’ve seen is a spirit of, let’s pretend like we did everything right, except for not locking down ten days earlier.”
A worldwide expedited vaccine rollout will simply not be accepted next time around, given the serious side effects caused by the Covid jab, either.
“Premising our civil liberties on the availability of a vaccine is a disastrous idea,” Dr Jay agrees. “Let’s just be honest with the public – we don’t have a technology that will produce a safe and effective vaccine within a year. It doesn’t exist.”
As a result of the vaccine propaganda and Covid hysteria, Dr Jay understands why the pandemic caused so many folk to lose faith with the health establishment and big pharma.
“Big pharma behaved incredibly irresponsibly and unethically. You had governments putting out propaganda on behalf of big pharma. I completely understand why the public has lost trust, I’ve lost trust,” he admits.
“Public health needs to acknowledge the tremendous catastrophic mistakes it made in the last pandemic and then devise reforms in the way it operates. Public health systematically excluded voices it disagreed with, even reasonable voices.”
Personal responsibility must be taken by the TV doctors like Dr Hilary Jones of ITV’s Good Morning Britain who spent months spreading fear, including ludicrous suggestions like swimmers wearing masks while in the ocean.
Dr Jay says: “Everyone got something wrong. People who said things like that owe the public an honest explanation and should say, ‘Look I was wrong.’ Even Governor DeSantis said he was wrong to shut down his state in 2020.
“Someone who gets in front of the public like that and says something that is so obviously not scientific they owe the public an explanation before we really start to trust them again.”
That doesn’t appear to be happening.
Just last week, the BBC was caught up in a major controversy after it allowed celebrity medic Dr Ranj Singh to appear on Morning live trying to play down the side effects of the AstraZeneca jab, without admitting he had been paid by the company in the past.
How many times has that happened without us finding out?
Dr Jay believes Covid was as a result of a “lab leak” that was part of “an extremely irresponsible scientific programme”, rather than a bioweapon, although he says the lack of transparency from China means that possibility cannot be ruled out entirely.
The scientist – who I named earlier this year as one of my top Fifty: Freedom Fighters in the World today – is currently a plaintiff in a lawsuit against the Biden administration. The case is now in front of the Supreme Court.
He says of the fight: “We managed to find a pattern of government officials telling social media companies who and what to censor – something that violates the First Amendment. The CDC and FBI were involved in a wide scale attempt to silence the speech of people like me.”
In the UK, it was the Ofcommunist censors, no doubt encouraged by the public posturing of the likes of Matt Hancock and Bill Gates, who issued edicts to media outfits not to question the mainstream scientific narrative, even though it has since been proven to be wrong.
For that reason, it was during 2020 that I decided I didn’t want to be a mainstream journalist, especially a Westminster insider, because they were an embarrassment to my profession – the vast majority turned out to be sheep acting as establishment stooges, whether they realised it or not at the time.
Dr Jay casts the blame in a different direction though, saying: “I’m sorry to say there were people like Dominic Cummings, a close adviser to Boris Johnson, who absolutely panicked early in the pandemic. He misread the scientific data and pushed Boris towards lockdown.”
Even in early 2020, I was saying the UK should never launch a compulsory lockdown because it would go against everything we believe in.
But I was a big supporter of Boris – especially after he had delivered Brexit – and when he promised, “three weeks to flatten the curve”, I initially went along with it, which is now one of my biggest regrets.
I was always sceptical though and had an amazing platform hosting the Talk Radio drivetime show and writing my weekly column in The Sun to question the official narrative. Indeed, I was only behind Peter Hitchens as the second mainstream columnist in the UK to call for the lifting of lockdown.
I was very proud to be a signatory of the Great Barrington Declaration and even had to suffer through that vile loser Chris Bryant of the UK Labour party calling me a “dangerous nutcase” on air for believing in herd immunity.
While I was highly critical of Boris during certain points of the pandemic, I now truly believe if he had tried to hold the course and refused to lockdown by going for a herd immunity strategy, as he had originally intended in February of 2020, he would have been booted from office in six weeks. We saw what happened to Liz Truss, the successor to Boris, after all: Out after just 45 days because she wasn’t prepared to follow the economic orthodoxy.
Who does Dr Jay point the finger at?
He says matter of factly: “I blame scientists. Fundamentally, scientists gave politicians the wrong advice. They misled journalists for years. It was official science. In the UK, Jeremy Farrar, who is the chair of the Wellcome Trust, and Neil Ferguson with his model that was so clearly flawed.”
What about Patrick Vallance and Christopher Whitty, who became our version of Anthony Fauci?
Dr Jay replies: “Dan, they knew the right thing to do from the beginning. They succumbed to pressure and group think in a way that scientific advisers never should have. If they had stood strong and Boris hadn’t been so freaked out by his near death experience and if Rishi Sunak had followed his instinct against lockdowns, Boris might have been able to put together a political coalition that withstood the pressure. But there would have been tremendous tremendous pressure.”
In the US, Dr Jay had far more luck, securing an Oval Office meeting with President Trump and becoming an informal adviser for DeSantis as he stamped out lockdown policies in Florida.
He says: “My sense was that (Trump’s) instincts were correct – that the school closures and lockdowns were doing more harm than good. But he didn’t have the same command of the detail, the scientific literature, that Ron DeSantis did.
“I’m really quite upset with President Biden for instituting his censorship of me and others.”
He is also supportive of RFK Junior’s independent presidential bid, explaining: “I think it is quite healthy for the American public that we have RFK Jr in the race. He was squarely against the lockdown and vocally so; he was squarely against being careful with the Covid vaccines and acknowledging that there were vaccine injuries. He is squarely in the camp of honest public debate over public health issues. I don’t see him as dogmatic, I see him as open. I am incredibly pleased and happy he is in the race as it gives Americans a real choice.”
Becoming one of the world’s anti-lockdown heroes has taken a massive personal toll on Dr Jay; when he spoke out against mask mandates for toddlers with DeSantis, 100 of his fellow Stanford professors wrote to university bosses demanding he be silenced.
He recalls: “In 2020 and 2021 there were people that were close to me who betrayed me, who essentially threw me under the bus. I had death threats constantly for two years. Omicron cured that I guess…
“At one point I lost 30 pounds Dan from anxiety. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep. I just kept praying. Eventually when I decided I was going to speak no matter what the cost, the anxiety lifted.”
The world is sleepwalking into a second lockdown, warns top anti-lockdown scientist Dr Jay Bhattacharya