Apr 24Liked by Dan Wootton

The truth needs to be known. These invisible kids with titles of which when there is any image of them it never matches the one before! Sure kids change but not that much in the time frame they are seen. They live in America. Their titles mean nothing x what happened to H’a generational pain for them?

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I don’t think we have ever seen an actual photograph of Lili. So many questions.

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Totally agree. The child who allegedly came for the Jubilee is Hartford Schroeder daughter of Stassi! Who knows what either child really looks like. I didn’t watch the flopflix show but saw some stills and there was one with Ashley (Sam’s daughter) and a baby on the floor - that child looked like August!

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Also the girl child was way too old/too big on the mockumentary. Even when the niece arrived she said “wow so big.

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The girl child looked like August too - and we know Eugene visited!

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Why on earth would you demand to see the pic of a child that is not yours?? No explanation is owed to you!

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Harry and his wife took the titles of Prince and Princess for their “children”. Those titles belong to the U.K. you can’t just announce you have a Prince and Princess without providing absolute proof they were “born of then body”. Those children are in the line of succession which if they weren’t born of the body, that means h and m defrauded the U.K. government. That’s why rules are in place like using the palace doctors, which Harry’s wife refused. She also refused to tell the palace and Queen who her doctor was. Each child needs to have 4 doctor/witness signatures on their birth announcement. H and m children had none. There has to be no doubt to be in the line of succession to the validity of their births. There is nothing but doubt. If h and m don’t like it, they can drop the titles and remove the children front the line of succession.

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I don't understand why that's even a question to begin with! Where is the proof Kate gave birth to her children?? Why targeting yet again Meghan? Are you suggesting Parliament and the Queen have conspired to lie to the British public! Lilibet was born in the US so I doubt very much whatever antiquated rule you're describing here could have been reinforced! I'm pretty sure that even if they were to produce all evidence imaginable some would still find an excuse to accuse her of faking her pregnancies! Next they'll say she's not a human being but some kind of alient! It's utterly ridiculous and frankly bizarre!

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It never matches the previous image? You do realise kids change as they grow up fast don't you? You already know the truth! You just can't accept it for some weird reason! If they live in America then why on earth are you weirdos so obsessed with these children who aren't yours? This is very creepy!

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Yes thanks I am well aware kids change as they grow up….not to the extent that these kids change. Whilst they are in the line of succession there will be interest - it’s not creepy they hold UK titles and are in the line of succession so people from the UK will have questions especially whilst the parents continue smoke and mirrors!

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Let's cut the crap! The real issue you all have about these innocent kids that are in line to the throne is that their grandmother is black and their mother is a mixed race American! This has become so obvious!

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It has zero to do with race - carry on keep demeaning the word because throwing it around when that isn’t the issue is demeaning the word.

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Children don’t grow and then shrink. Their ear lobes don’t change from free to attached. Face shapes don’t change that much where they look like different kids. Hair too. Most of the pics they have released of their children, including the girl bday pic are 💯 AI! All of the “family” pics, the children have been photoshopped in. Photo software shows this. It’s not creepy. It’s not about seeing pics of children. It’s about the validity of their births. Titles /LOS come with responsibility and they require proof. If h and m lied and committed fraud, it is a constitutional problem. . It’s also an insult to all the citizens of the


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You're insane!! You need to stop stalking these children! It's frankly disturbing and I'm starting to think you probably need to be reported! And don't feel you have to respond to every single of my comments!

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Apr 24Liked by Dan Wootton

About time someone had the guts to put it out there. The pictures of her in that purple dress and her squatting with her legs closed leads people to think it was a fake pregnancy.

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Plus the fact that her 'bump' varied from day to day.

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And it was seen to drop below the hem of her dress!

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Sometimes it was different on the same day! The shape was so fake; high up, down, sideways, Mad Meg kept cradling and had her rictus grin in place, as if set with glue......just saying

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That was hilarious 😁

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Some people are led to think the earth is flat... How do you explain the fact the Meghan gained weight and looked significantly bigger during her pregnancies then?

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Moonbump and more calories in than out. I don’t believe that the earth is flat, Migraine possibly does because she thinks everything revolves around her.

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Right now Janet it is all about jam!

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Scam jam 😂

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Moonbump and fillers in her face. She is an actress, she knows how to put on weight and lose weight quickly. Her moonbump was too high up after the “birth “. It was right under her chest! After a baby is born, the weight is much lower-above the pelvis. She even forgot she had “given birth” and tried to hold her moonbump like she did daily when she was megnant at the photo call after the birth!

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Goodness me ! You're so delusional. It's very obvious something about this woman affects your mental state! I hope you get the help you need!

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I have never believed Meghan gave birth. This is a very pertinent constitutional matter which affects the whole royal line, so it must be investigated asap and the Monteceito family barred from the line of succession.

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RemovedApr 26
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We do have proof of Catherine gave birth! She used the palace doctors and had 4 doctor/witness signatures in each child’s announcement! Catherine followed the rules. There has to be no doubt. There is nothing but doubt with Harry’s kids.

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Great doubt Patricia. Was it surrogacy or are they some body else's children. I do not believe anything Megaliar utters, if she said it was raining I would look out of the window to check !

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Please name the palace doctors! Were you present in the room with them??

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Hello meghan

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I couldn't care less what colour anyone is. Meghan has kept those children shrouded in secrecy, not even her own father has seen them. Why hide them ? Why be so vague about their births ? Why has no-one ever seen her out with them ? How can they be in the LoS when we don't even know who they are ?

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Bingo - race card played. Always the same.

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Despite the fact she is an unlikeable grifter.

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24Liked by Dan Wootton

There are many videos and photos of Meghan clearly wearing a moonbump, sometimes down by her knees!

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That picture was actually debunked as untrue.

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Absolutely not. The picture of moonbump at her knees was a Getty image the day it occurred and video footage bears this out. It is a true picture of what happened. It is my belief that the press got photos of moonbump hitting the deck and this is why there is a super injunction. I cannot believe it stopped just at her knees!

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Sorry. Go watch an excellent video on The Royal Grift. It was the wind picking up her dress. People are just being ridiculous about the entire thing. Move on already!

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The moonbump is visible on the Getty images at her knees. The bump that was originally under her boobs disappeard. The bump straps failed

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That is what most people think; besides the 'thing' changed shape and position so often, sometimes on the same day.

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And popped. Also disappeard after the baby shower that night and the pics are online.

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What about the day of the baby shower in ny? Her belly/moonbump disappeared in time to hit up soho house with Marcus. The side by side am/pm pics are everywhere.

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I am so confused about her moonbumb as those are supposed to be worn as an undergarment “suit”,; in other words, with straps, so how could it detach? I do think she didn’t carry either child, but I am surprised that she would wear a bump that wasn’t fail proof.

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So, do Getty images know the truth and can’t say a thing!!!

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Lady C & Dan say there is no super injunction.

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So many bitter vicious, mean-sipirted women posting on here! Pretty revolting!

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Wrong. So many MOTHERS on here who know when the wool is being pulled over our eyes.

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RemovedMay 7
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I am not vicious at all thank you. We women who are mothers can tell a genuine pregnancy from a fake one. Clearly you men cannot.

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Clearly being a woman doesn't make you smarter! You can't tell sh*t! And quite frankly if any of these allegations were true in an alternative reality world the real question is why on earth would that be any of your business?? I'm scratching my head and wonder why you women are so pathologically obsessed with MM. Nothing she does affects your personal lives! You must be utterly miserable and bored at home!

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It's our business because these children are technically in line for the Throne. That makes it our business.

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You just know though if all those type of pics that appeared to be a fake bump had been photo shopped…

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Apr 24Liked by Dan Wootton

Lady is always correct with her information.

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Yes she is.

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Dan. I believe the press gor pictures of moonbump hitting the deck as it sure did not stop at her knees. IMHO this is why there is an ‘alleged’ super injunction to stop these pictures becoming public!

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There is also another video where the snaps on her bodysuit (to hold moonbump) bust open. You can see the terror in Harry’s face. It was outside and she quickly buttoned up her coat in a receiving line shaking hands. It was so obvious and you can see the snaps opened.

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How long do 'super injunctions' last I wonder. Will the world learn the truth only when the Harkles are dead😁

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Finally! Thank goodness that someone influential has said it. This is a constitutional matter that affects us all.

Thank you Lady C and Dan. We don’t know anything at all about these children and sadly, we can’t believe anything that Rachel and Henry tell us.

I believe that the palace has been put in an impossible position which nobody could have expected to happen. Adopted children would be titled Lord and Lady, but could not be in the line of succession.

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About time. Long overdue. Very disappointed in how Royal family has handled this matter.

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Lady C does give some explanation into why and how that has happened.

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It should NEVER have been a ‘family’ issue. It is a serious legal/constitutional issue so lawyers and parliament should have sorted this from day 1!

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I can imagine it has been very difficult for them. Harry is Charles’ son and been protected his whole life. Charles will always want to do his best to protect his boy. Families are complex. But the longer this charade has gone on, the worse it is going to be to untangle.

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I would think that they have been duped too.

They must have questions.

I bet there were one or more secrets kept away from our queen.

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The rf probably didn't know what to do, having never had anyone like Meganut in their midst. They could say, " look folks we were conned too, we did not know how to handle it, sorry". Nobody would criticise them if they were honest about it; the Duo are such liars.

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I agree. Especially because there is literally no benefit for the family to go along with this charade. The only people it benefits are h and m. So people will understand but they have to address it.

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It seems like the RF feel damned if they do, damned if they don’t. After all, when H wanted to marry M and he was asked to be thoughtful and wait, he threatened to use the race card, so everyone is walking on eggs, including the RF and the press. Lady C and Dan talking about this will hopefully push the matter forward towards a conclusion. The British people deserve and require an honest answer

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24

Hi Dan can you and Lady C set up a petition to campaign for the Palace to clarify the legitimacy of Archificial and Lilibucks place in the line of succession? I think as British citizens we are entitled to know the truth and I appluad you both for calling the sharkles out! Good to see you back on our screens you have been missed. Eileen x

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Yesterday‘s video was so so good. I hope we can do more in the future.

Women have intuition about these kind of things….. especially if you’re a woman who has ever given birth. Nothing about these two births that Meghan supposedly had ever made sense to me. I always felt there was something off. But when you are a true narcissist and believe that you are smarter and more clever than Buckingham and Kensington palaces, as well as the general public, then you believe that you can get away with anything.

It may not happen tomorrow or next week or next month or even next year, but the truth will come out. It always does.

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Agree with your post, the Duplicitous Duo are such liars.

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How can surrogate children be members of the Royal Family

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Royal genetics can still be legitimately born from a surrogate mother

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The law says all babies in the line of succession must be born of the mother/wife’s body. So surrogacy is not allowed. I suspect that’s why h and m concocted this charade instead of being honest. They wanted those kids in the LOS and the titles.

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Ohhhhh. Thank you!

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This is a great book. Once again MM is utterly outrageous in all that has gone on. It’s about time The Palace called her and the man child Prince out. Lady C has the bollocks to say it and good on her I say.

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Those two should have feet to fire same way Catherine did when she “went missing”.

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Wow Wow wow

Took my breath away Dan if this is true OMG

Love Lady C ❤️

The great Dan Wootton 💪🌹❤️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🌹🇬🇧

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24

Culturally these children are Americans regardless of who their parents are. They know nothing of the UK, its people, culture, constititional monarchy, etc. If the unthinkable happened, it would be like picking up any other American child and making them King. And sadly if Harry were to become King, Meghan would really be the one running the show.

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God forbid if this should ever happen but it won’t I am sure.

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Lady C is wonderful isn’t she?! I mean thank goodness for that woman, brave and prepared to stand up for the truth and what’s right.

I really do find what those two have inflicted on their children absolutely despicable, stated before that allowing them to grow up with all this talk of them not being born of the body, not MM’s eggs etc etc is such a bloody cruel thing to inflict on your own children. Imagine the psychological damage that will inflict when they’re old enough to realise the implications. Imagine looking at your parents and thinking you’ve used me for your own nefarious ends!

Harry is unbelievably insane, there must be something underlying it, the man has a death wish. His wife is like the grim reaper, wrapping her deathly arms around him, slowly smothering him completely. The same will be done to the children in due course.

Once they start to question and she can’t control the narrative…💥

Horrible 🤢 am not surprised William has washed his hands of his brother, maybe it’s actually even a huge relief to him. He’s got his own three children, doesn’t need an adult child to look after 🤷🏼‍♀️

Thank goodness for William and Catherine and their lovely children being brought up in a loving and as normal as possible environment. They have the right idea and it shows in the happiness and confidence of the children.

Hopefully later this year we might see Catherine taking on some light duties again, miss her megawatt smile, such a beautiful woman and lovely as well ❤️

King Charles took a lot of the blame for his divorce, as any man of honour would for the sake of his children. Harry needs to engage whatever brain cells he has, if any, and accept that his mother, a lovely woman in many ways and certainly streets ahead of his second rate actress wife, had huge mental health issues in part down to her unsettling childhood. Incredibly sad to be honest, she was also far too young and inexperienced when she agreed to marry Charles, was a huge accident waiting to happen.

His mother wasn’t perfect…shock horror and obviously gave Charles an incredibly hard time until he could no longer deal with her anymore. That’s life sometimes, mental health can be an awful destroyer of personal relationships. I like to think if Diana were here still today that she would have forgiven Charles, have found happiness and personal peace. Am sure they would be on a much better footing if Diana were alive, her grandchildren would’ve known her personally and probably had great fun with Granny Diana but alas it wasn’t to be.

Incredibly sad but happening all the time to many other families.

William has moved forward with his life, he remembers and loves his mum but it doesn’t rule him. He’s grown up.

Harry is still a little boy lashing out at everyone he blames for the loss of his mum. Thing is Diana was a lot responsible for her own demise, her seatbelt should’ve been fastened. She was travelling in one of the safest cars on the road at the time.

What happened was tragic for so many awful reasons but she is dead and has been now for over twenty years, nearly thirty! What would’ve happened, had happened, doesn’t matter because she’s gone.

Life goes on, William is testament to that fact, Harry is a very sad man but no longer William’s problem.

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Wonderful statement, I applaud you.

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Unfortunately, none of the seatbelts in the car Diana rode in on that fateful last night were in working order. I have always wondered why she agreed to get in the car, since she was apparently vigilant about everyone in any vehicle she was in wearing seatbelts.

(It was long thought that the bodyguard was wearing a belt, but that was not the case. What saved his life was that the force of the crash tore the engine loose and sent it through the dashboard, pinning him into his seat.)

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I guess we tend to think the worst possible scenario won’t happen to us, unfortunately for Diana on that particular night it did.

Had she still had her Royal protection officers it wouldn’t have happened. We all know why she didn’t have her protection officers and who planted the seed they and others were spying on her. Dreadful thing to do and had far reaching consequences which we’re still seeing to this day.

My hope is that one day the lady can be left to rest peacefully. Harry is a disgrace for using her memory to make money, dragging it all up again for dollars…despicable behaviour.

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This should be in the hands of lawyers and parliament and should have been thus from day 1. Irrefutable independent proof of birth mother and DNA of both parents and alleged children must be provided. (I say alleged as neither child has actually been proven to exist in their custody).

Until this is resolved then the children names MUST be removed from LoS.

Lady C clearly knows more than she tells us as she refers to ‘Harry’s children’. So, there is clearly a sign that even more is at play here. If Lady C knows then so do the palace and the question is why are lawyers not acting??!

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It did occur to me that Harry may have been the sperm donor but his wife is definitely not their birth mother.

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Lady C comment implies she is neither the egg donor nor the birth mother

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I would think this to be true.

Harry is father she isn’t the mother. She isn’t one bit maternal. She is unnatural with them.

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It was rumoured that Meghan had a hysterectomy in her twenties, but I've no idea if it's true.

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Agree, MegaLiar was not pregnant.

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