Apr 26Liked by Dan Wootton

I was living in London when Boris was Mayor. He was marvellous! A lot of our friends living in London still say it has changed for the worse and there are several no go areas! Very sad, our once amazing city has been destroyed by this man. Fantastic reporting again Dan.

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Oh it really has. And I say this with sorrow. Shame on the rest of the media for not reporting it though.

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Yeah. Shame. They deal with reality. You get dressed toddy Dan ? Any point ?

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What did you like ? He closed down 40% of police and fire stations ? Or he introduced thr congestion charge ?

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Apr 26Liked by Dan Wootton

Khan has singlehandedly turned the capital into a dirty unkempt and unwelcoming city. Between him and far left councils banning anything British or English, removing Christian festivals yet imposing Islamic festivals on the public. Knife crime is out of control, the met police are not fit for purpose, all the charges to simply get around in a vehicle are prohibitive and strangling business, the tube is in desperate need of refurbishment and is a much higher polluter than traffic. Housing is a joke, and people born and bred in the city, regardless of colour are pushed aside for illegal immigrants. Taxes are increasing while services are reducing by the day, he is without doubt the worst mayor of our once great capital and I remember Ken Livingstone!!

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Apr 26Liked by Dan Wootton

Typical Little Man with additional bucket loads of smugness. This incompetency will be reflected in a Labour Government should there be enough idiots in this country to vote in Flip Flop Starmer. There is one positive with Khant being mayor of Londonistan, he has nothing to do with the rest of the country. But should he lose the mayoralty, he will no doubt seek out a constituency with a huge Muslim populous.

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The first sentence says it all 💯 I just wasn’t brave enough to write it 😉

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He should not be here, he should be where he was born bossing that place about and imposing stupid rules. London needs a normal genuine person.

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Apr 26Liked by Dan Wootton

I'm praying enough people get behind Susan hall to get khan out , my only problem was I felt she should have spoken out about the way British patriots were called far right gangs, thugs and football fans for entering London to celebrate St George's day. That was set up from the delay to Robinsons court dismally to the police kettling people in including going into pubs and kicking people out, this doesn't happen on pro Palestine protest days or football match days. If she wants to get votes she should have spoken out on the fact that was all set up

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Yes. She is definitely being controlled by CCHQ who don't want her weighing in on controversial issues.

But she would be unleashed as mayor.

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I totally understand what kind of position she is put in currently, sadly it's a shame she is unable to speak out as she would recieve a lot more votes. I'm hoping this will be the end of khans reign. If not there must be a legal way to get him out

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I agree. My real worry is IF khan gets in again will NEVER get another opportunity to get another non Muslim in! ONE of the main problems now in EVERY election is POSTAL VOTES!!! THIS MUST BE SORTED FAST!!!😡

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Totally agree, they are taking all mps places and high up job roles

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We live in a multi cultural society Get used to it

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Oh brilliantly said Dan. I don’t live in London to be able to vote for Susan but I most certainly would support her if I could. I travel to London often and I agree with every word you say about how Citizen Khan has wrecked our once great capital city. It’s uncomfortable to travel anywhere there and especially at night. I pray that the majority will get behind her and we can send that hateful man into oblivion where he deserves to go. Let’s make London great again!

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Big time!

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Apr 26Liked by Dan Wootton

Susan Hall would be wonderful and the best part she is an active Christian.

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Apr 26Liked by Dan Wootton

Would be great if we can get him out. I also liked your side comment about JaSINda, worst PM ever in NZ and I lived there for 13 yrs. She was awful through the plandemic, people lost their jobs and friends of mine still don't go to certain restaurants as they were banned for being unjabbed.

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She destroyed that country too. Equally heartbreaking to me.

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My sister in law lives in New Plymouth NZ and was a long time member of St John's Ambulance, she was also a volunteer driver for the hospital when she lived in Thames. All that stopped when she refused the jabs.

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Where could you live Dan ?

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She is Prince William best friend,

Now a Dame in the UK

Loved by Klaus Shwab

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Apr 26Liked by Dan Wootton

Sadiq Khan, Tony Blair, David Cameron, Jeremy, Hunt, Rishi and the rest are WEF puppets.

All what is going on in this world, has been planned by them.

Do not forget 17/06/24 they will sign for the WHO, They only need 60 nations to agree, We will have lock-downs and jabs all the time.

We must never forget St Georges day in London and how people were treated.

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Apr 26Liked by Dan Wootton

Completely correct on all fronts Dan. So sad to see what has happened to London over recent years. It is barely recognisable. I am praying that Susan Hall gets enough momentum behind her to win this. I remember you saying many times before that Shaun could have won if he’d had more support from the Tories (any support!). Also, if people had come out to vote, rather than thinking Khan was unbeatable because of the polls. When you read articles about his performance (or lack of it) and not even trying to meet his pledges, it is worrying to think he could still be there this time next week. Self-important, divisive, snide and ineffective.

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Yup. And then they've repeated the same mistakes four years later. Infuriating.

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Apr 26Liked by Dan Wootton

Same in Paris. Same causes, same effects.

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Indeed. Many big western cities going through this.

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Apr 26Liked by Dan Wootton

Thanks for describing it so precisely and correctly. Even it is extremely sad...

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It is.

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Great analysis. Every word you have written applies to Trudeau also, who in nine years has destroyed Canada.

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Apr 26Liked by Dan Wootton

If Ssmuel Johnson was walking around London in 2024 he'd be wearing a stab vest and keeping his mobile in his pocket and saying "Ues I'm tired of London and on the next train to anywhere!!! I'm a Londoner but moved out some time ago thank God. I grew up in a fantastic London where the local policemen and women were respected with a clip around the ear when you didn't, leaving your front door open and nobody dared try to Rob you, all nationalities got on and mixed and you respected your elders. A plea to all Londoners. Get this Mayor out!! Get somebody in who cares, somebody with a backbone, no woke, no pandering!! Bring back and stop and search and give the police powers to get tough!!! GET HIM OUT!! Another gem Mr Wooton. Keep up the good work!!

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HAHAHAHAHA. That made me laugh SO MUCH re Samuel Johnson. So true.

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I'll keep fingers crossed for Susan. We need someone who has common sense and is not afraid to challenge the rise of extremism. I don't think Lee Anderson was far wrong when he said that Khan was controlled by Islamic extremists. With all this pandering and being afraid to speak in case of causing offence is just a recipe for this disaster we are seeing in London, and if left unchallenged will become the norm in the whole of the UK. It's just disgusting that certain areas are becoming no go areas and 2 tier policing seems evident to me. The Ulez and nut zero policies are ruining lives everywhere. I dread to think of the consequences if Khan gets in again.

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Apr 26Liked by Dan Wootton

I lived and worked in London protecting its people for many years , under Khan and the current Commissioner it is no longer my Capital

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Apr 26Liked by Dan Wootton

Does it not occur to people where knife crime culture comes from? Its not a western thing for sure......

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Apr 26Liked by Dan Wootton

Khan is the same as Burnham in Greater Manchester he has the press and MSM fawning over him. I'm not in London but watched her on the London Assembly during lockdown and liked what I heard. Susan would have my vote.

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Apr 26Liked by Dan Wootton

Well done Dan for your straight talking as usual. Please, please get Khan out...

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