Apr 29Liked by Dan Wootton

If the SNP spent as much time loving their country as they do hating ours they might have some success. Instead the have the highest drug deaths in Europe and lowest life expectancy. Fingers crossed Sturgeon will be having porridge at His Majesty's pleasure soon. Hopefully the disgusting vile racist

Yousef is never seen in politics again.

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And the biggest tragedy is that Scotland is the most amazing nation. I love spending time there. But the people deserve so much better.

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Most definitely the Scots deserve better. It is similar in some degree to South Africa. After Nelson Mandela was released from jail, the country was on a high and voted for black majority rule with Mandela at the helm. Now it is mired in corruption and killings. I wonder if we willsee a return to white rule again ? They do say that history repeats itself and I am very afraid at the moment for the Jewish people. They are without doubt hard working , diligent and integrated. It is beyond belief that some think they are safer in Israel than Central London.

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Apr 29Liked by Dan Wootton

So glad he has resigned. I didn't agree with anything he said

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Apr 29·edited Apr 29Liked by Dan Wootton

We recently visited Glasgow, what a fabulous city. Before we went we were mindful that we may not be welcome, being English. Well, that was complete rubbish. Everyone we spoke to was enganging, friendly and some thanked us for visiting!. The impression we got from listening to the SNP was so far from the reality. We had the most brilliant weekend in Glasgow and are booked to go again later this year. Wonderful place.

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So true. It's only the SNP extremists who push the anti-English hate, driven by politicians like Sturgeon and Useless.

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Apr 29Liked by Dan Wootton

No doubt he’ll blame racism rather than incompetence. Jumping before he was pushed like all grifters and cowards.

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There was already a hint at that in the speech today.

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He jumped so that the Scots would be denied the chance to replace the whole Scottish Parliament in a General election. Like most of them party before country or nation. I expect the SNP will think the public will forget how bad it has got by the time their next General Election is due.

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His "white, white" rant was basically a hate crime and should have been dealt with by the Police Scotland as such! But as we now know the Police, whether the Met or Scotland are terrified to be called out on their woke credentials.

Much more exposure needed, keep up the great work Dan!


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Apr 29Liked by Dan Wootton

He’s ruined Scotland! I’m ashamed to be a Scot!

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Don't be! You're the best. We just need you represented by someone so much better.

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Hear, hear

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No Rose, don’t be ashamed. As I said in an earlier post Scots are family and long may they be so. I was becoming very concerned about the way this massive racist ran the country.

I am glad he has gone.

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Apr 29Liked by Dan Wootton

I visited Inverness last month, from England. Beautiful country. I popped into a public toilet. There were tampons on a shelf next to the urinals in the mens toliet. I was so assumed/shocked I took a photo (I can provide). This says it all really, Scottish public services being used for this useless virtue signalling whilst everything burns around them.

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Just ludicrous wokery so far removed from real life and real Scots.

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Apr 29Liked by Dan Wootton

And let’s hope his successor is not John Swinney as he advocates explicit sex lessons for very young school children.

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Well it's looking that way because no way the crazy Greens will allow it to be the more competent Kate Forbes.

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If Jon Swinney is the caretaker and if he brings is this ridiculously explicit sex lessons for very young children, the Scots will vote the SNP out of office fullstop. .

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He was, and remains, for me the very model of the cultural catastrophe that has been forced upon my beloved England. Yes, my loathing for him is pretty strong.

I now regard Islam as fundamentally incompatible with my values and the values of my forebears. This is based upon the social oppression, criminality and violence that its adherents have unleashed.

That is an opinion that it seems is called "hate speech" in bonny Scotland. I don't give a hoot.

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And again Dan hits the nail on the head! Brilliant article but the most relatable comment for me is this ‘- identity politics is irrelevant to voters who want to see delivery, not platitudes based on demographics’. This is so so true. NONE of them deliver a single thing. All talk and empty promises.And let’s hope that the next one to go will be Citizen Khan on Thursday!!! 🤞🤞

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Dan it also shows that the majority of people in this country do not support the anti-white/British woke philosophy pushed by those that hate our country. The kickback by the silent majority is picking up momentum and the 15mins of fame for Humza, Khan and those leftie academics infiltrating the heads of our young in schools and universities is coming to an end. Thank you for all your efforts in keeping up the fight against their hate and being someone who speak for us, so we weren't completely silenced.

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So, Useless demonstrated his ability to jump before he was pushed; the only positive highlight of his disastrously short tenure. He was determined to eradicate Women’s Rights through the pathetic Trans Lobby Aggressors because it fits with his Muslim dogma of women being second class citizens. Humza Useless, Vaughan Gethin, Sado Khant are all Leaders of failed policies with Rishi Sunak desperately biting at their heels to join their Pathetic Politicians Club; but, you get what you vote for. Oh but wait, the public didn’t vote for them and before anyone shouts that Sado Khant won an election he allegedly won it with multiple suspect postal votes.

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The only one without a nickname there I'd like to give him one for you, he's Born Guessing 🙂. And you're right we voted for none of them. I may have voted Tory, but I voted for Boris not Fishy Rishi. And I certainly didn't vote for Guessing either. He only got FM of Wales because he was Dripfords favourite "Yes Man".

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Born Guessing, brilliant but that applies to every politician these days. Like you I voted Boris and am still aggrieved that he was stabbed in the back over cake that he didn’t eat. Where’s Gove’s knife when he needs it now?

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Thanks Dan for so eloquently saying what we are all thinking and feeling. All the racism in Scotland has been exacerbated by the SNP. It's not just the antisemitism stoked by Useless and his virtue signalling for Gaza, but it's also white on white racism between the Scotland and England. Which is extremely sad. It happens here in Wales also, again exacerbated by a virtue signalling Senedd. Useless wasn't just racist he was antifemitist as well, by putting through that gender identity bill he was attempting to take away our rights as women as well.

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What I was most shocked about him is how much of a racist he actually is, against us whites and women. I really, hope Scotland get a new leader who loves the country and gets it back on its feet!

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I am Scottish and did not want this man to be our first he has done so much damage to us all here. He used his religion and his own views far too much the first sign being the whole way he used the race card to force a nursery to take his child in that was the first time he got my back up. Then all this gender bill and his let's bring all the refugees from gaza and their extended families over here. We have had enough of these marches in all of our Country spreading hate and division Lets stop it all now.

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American here! Sounds like this resignation is a good thing for Scotland. Good to see people standing up to the woke brigade.

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