May 17Liked by Dan Wootton

I stopped listening to LBC years ago. O'Brien was insufferable then and it was getting too predictable. I actually like hearing counter views - and balance - as it removes the need for an echo chamber but LBC was already turning into a circle jerk and O'Brien being a pri-k to anyone he did not approve of.

Even the mighty Ferrari was getting out of tune. You could see this with his arslikhan to certain minority groups - no doubt scared of being cancelled or called out.

In the end the bullshit to benefit quota got too high, so I left and cancelled the then paid-for LBC podcast access subscription too (it wasn't a lot - a few pounds a month but it let me download/timeshift).

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Your analysis is SPOT ON!

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Exactly this

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May 17Liked by Dan Wootton

I stopped listening when they axed Farage, then I only listened to Maajid’s brilliant show before he got unceremoniously sacked. Ferrari and Dale though; cringeworthy ass kissers with zero integrity just to keep their jobs.

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Same. I didn't always agree with Maajid but it was great radio and thought provoking. I drifted away when they sacked him. Loved Farage. With Talk now and love it. Having said that, I dont mind lefties being on as you need to hear from both sides but LBC took it too far. No balance. Great piece Dan. So glad to see you back after your horrendous ordeal 🥰

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May 17Liked by Dan Wootton

Dan thank you for confirming my decision to never listen to LBC tripe!

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You're right!

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May 17Liked by Dan Wootton

O'Brien uses LBC to boast about himself personally. A few years ago I heard countless times that he was a Catholic and went to a Catholic boarding school. Couple of years later he seems to think that going to a fee paying public school sounded grander. So again countless times I heard him say he went to school and the fees were £40,000 pa. Also that he doesn't find it difficult to pay his gas and electric bill. Also he feels the need to boast that he is a white middle class man. Over and over again. I think the man needs to see a psychiatrist. Oh, nearly forgot, his mum shops in Waitrose. LUNATIC!

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May 17Liked by Dan Wootton

haha that is what I've noticed about him! I go for months not hearing his show, but every time I happen to listen in, without fail he mentions his catholic boarding school! He's the ultimate champagne socialist - living in West London and attending gliterrati events then slamming the wealthy. You couldn't make it up

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May 17Liked by Dan Wootton

I stopped listening when Nigel left, like so many others. Glad I did now. What a nasty bully that Ben Kentish is. Never heard of him before and hope I never do again. Can you imagine what it must be like to be married to a man like that? Never listens and so self-righteous. I felt quite abused just listening to his treatment of that poor, distressed Jewish woman.

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You're so right on that Kat. You sum it up perfectly.

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May 17Liked by Dan Wootton

I actually stopped listening to LBC because of O’Brien! His voice just made me want to sleep! His views! I could go on.

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I used to listen to Ferrari, Farage, Iain Dale and Nawaz at weekends. When they shunted Farage out and No Brain o Brian declared “we’ve got our station back”. From then on it was days numbered for many listeners. They wanted Majid out it happened, then Steve Allen and then you heard and saw Dale team up with Jaqui smith and GMB, Ferrari had no choice but to change his views. Sooner it’s gone the better.

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So true.

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May 17Liked by Dan Wootton

Thank you Dan for highlighting what I’ve thought has been happening for months. I now call it the Labour Broadcasting Company! Anyone who has the temerity to disagree or question anything O’ Brien discusses, he usually resorts to insults of “the gammons” or “clutching their pearls” etc.etc.

The race baiting and inverted snobbery which O’Brien, Fogerty (in particular) Matthew Wright, Nick Abbot, Vorderman, all suffer, added to hard left views is the order of the day. I listen to Nick Ferrari who has to tread a very fine line; I switch off just before O’ Brien and God help me if I have to suffer Fogerty. I’ve been listening since the 70’s as a child but It’s unrecognisable now, so I listen to anything else!

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May 17Liked by Dan Wootton

Maajid Nawaz and Katie Hopkins

The only 2 people I listened to, But not anymore they were sacked for telling the truth, during COVID

LBC are not for working class people.

They will promote anything the elite tell them to.

The WOKE will wake up when they are forced medication, No food, and have to give up there properties.

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May 17Liked by Dan Wootton

Used to listen to Ferrari and Dale, however during lockdown I discovered Talk Radio then GB news and was hooked

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May 17Liked by Dan Wootton

This is exactly how GB News will go. It's happening already. What a sad country we truly are.

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May 17Liked by Dan Wootton

Yes you right.

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May 17Liked by Dan Wootton

I don’t understand how the Leftist broadcasters can deny the barbaric atrocities Hamas committed against their innocent Israelis victims on October 7th. The Hamas savages themselves LIVE STREAMED THEIR HEINOUSNESS IN REAL TIME, as they tortured, raped, severed limbs, beheaded, burned alive & massacred their helpless Jewish victims!!!

Talk radio shows here in America are dominated by conservative content programs. Most of the leftist shows crash & burn quickly.

Also, radio broadcasts, in general, are dying. Live streaming internet shows are the future, Dan. It’s great that you made the decision to move to it!!!

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YES! Love that. And I want to bring this style of show to the UK.

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Dan - pls do it - you are a common sense no nonsense fact yearning journalist. Sick of the lazy ones now on sky etc. Don’t even get me started with the BBC it’s as if they want to manipulate every fact to align with their leftist view of the world. I was someone that would always defend the BBC about how difficult their job was. Not anymore

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What about Israel dropping bombs on women and children? Killing aid workers, doctors, nurses, journalists?

You going to defend those war crimes of Israel?

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There are no war crimes being committed by Israel!!! Israel was invaded by HAMAS & 1,300 of their citizens were savagely, barbarically raped, tortured, mutilated and murdered with many taken hostage. HAMAS is using their own citizens as human shields and it's another crime against HAMAS for doing this. Israel will never be safe again until they completely defeat and vanquish Hamas from the Earth! These unfortunate casualties are victims of HAMAS, not Israel! HAMAS IS THE AGGRESSOR AND RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS WAR AND ALL DEATHS!

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May 17Liked by Dan Wootton

I wouldn't watch or listen to that channel if my life depended on it. James O'Brien is a national disgrace. I can't speak for the rest of them but James O'Brien seems to pop up everywhere. Offensive individual. Let them carry on though because in the end they will have only a small number of viewers and listeners. It will reach a point where it isn't viable anymore. The mainstream media in this country really needs to get real and understand that most people in this country have got an IQ above 1.1. The Woke moronocracy are, fortunately, a minority. The problem is they have too big a collective mouth and they need silencing. Freedom of speech, I'm afraid, ends when people start sounding like Nazis.

The woke left is the new fascism.

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May 17Liked by Dan Wootton

well said

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This is why we need to support an independent media, but I absolutely agree with you.

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May 17Liked by Dan Wootton

The irony is that the CEO of Global is Jewish so I’m not sure why he allows the Jew bashing on LBC?

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Power and Money? And it perhaps doesn't affect him and his family personally?

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Agree. And his ‘associates’ are questionable.

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I am not aware of this - or it has fell out of my memory. Is it something you can share here (bearing in mind Dan's liability)?

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Probably cause every souless lefty will prostitute themselves for the money and to hell with dignity and principle.

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May 17Liked by Dan Wootton

This is happening more & more, I never understood how this happened with GB News? Do the far left have to Trojan horse themselves into every organisation they can because they can't bare racism, sorry I mean opinions they happen to disagree with. Mental

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May 17Liked by Dan Wootton

You could not be more accurate. I used to listen to the channel regularly, No more!. The majority of their presenters are so far left biased that they will not countenance the opinions of most callers. But, which channel to listen to or watch? With the advent of GB NEWS I thought that I had found the perfect platform. That was a forlorn hope. The treatment of Mark Steyn was the start of their decline. This was followed by the cowardly dropping of yourself, Lozza and Calvin. How long before others follow? The loopy left are still winning. Platforms such as yours and Mayar Tousi are our only hope.

Grant Kinnaird

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